The UCI Department of Radiology team attended the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 107th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting from Sunday, November 28th to Thursday, December 2nd. Our staff, faculty, and students visited Chicago and had the opportunity to participate in several in-person activities, from presenting their research to networking.
With new research being conducted every day at UCI, our team shared some of that knowledge with their colleagues at RSNA 2021. Dr. Peter Chang, co-director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine (CAIDM), spoke at the deepc presentation and taught a workshop titled “Hands-on A.I. for Non-Coders.” Our Senior Director of Imaging, Julie Limfueco, presented on using patient portals to optimize scheduling of screening mammograms and improving patient care. Dr. Sabee Molloi presented his research on CT physics in several scientific sessions. Dr. Vahid Yaghmai, editor of RSNA News, met with the editorial board and RSNA News staff to discuss last year’s articles and future topics to be covered.
Dr. Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh, section chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, moderated the “Interventional Oncology? What’s New?” session on Sunday, November 28th, discussing the role of imaging in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Throughout her talk, Dr. Abi-Jaoudeh highlighted how interventional oncology (IO) delivers locoregional therapies, minimizing toxicity to other organs and cutting down the recovery time for patients. Her work in IO was featured by RSNA in their Daily Bulletin.

Dr. Peter Chang of CAIDM presented at the deepc vendor booth

Dr. Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh moderated the interventional oncology session

Over the past year, UCI radiologists have also received several grants and awards, which were recognized at RSNA. Dr. Edward Kuoy received the 2021 Strategic Radiology/RSNA Research Grant for his study, which will be evaluating the impacts of point-of-care (POC) MRI in the Emergency Department (ED) and Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Dr. Jennifer Soun was recognized for receiving the AGFA Healthcare/RSNA Research Scholar Grant. Her study will evaluate the implementation of an artificial intelligence (AI) tool for large vessel occlusion.

Dr. Jennifer Soun’s picture was on display at RSNA

In addition to faculty and staff, three residents also attended the conference: Dr. Brian Yep, Dr. Eugene Shin, and Dr. Joel McLouth. Not only did they meet residents from across the country, our residents had an opportunity to participate in many of the trainee-focused programs, including the Resident and Fellow Symposium and the Residents Reception.

Our residents also presented their own research at the event. Dr. McLouth had a poster titled “Validation of a Deep Learning Tool for Automatic Aortic Dissection Detection,” and Dr. Yep presented his research poster on “Initial Clinical Experience with Bedside, Point of Care Non-contrast Brain MRIs.”

Dr. Joel McLouth presented his poster to other attendees

Dr. Brian Yep posed in front of his poster

After a challenging year of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team was excited to be back in-person for RSNA 2021. Throughout the week, the attendees learned about the advancement of new technologies from the research posters and presentations. They’ll bring back this information to share with colleagues as we continue to follow this year’s RSNA theme of “Redefining Radiology.”

Interventional Radiology manager, David Brown, observed research posters

From left to right: Julie Limfueco (Senior Director of Imaging), Dr. Vahid Yaghmai (Department Chair), Dr. Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh (Section Chief of IR), Leticia Sierra (Ultrasound Supervisor), David Brown (IR Manager)