Dr. Shawn Sun brought ChatGPT to the forefront of discussion during RSNA 2023. Dr. Sun presented the project, “Testing the Ability of ChatGPT to Generate Differential Diagnoses from Transcribed Radiological Findings in Abdominal Radiology.” This presentation was featured on the RSNA Daily Bulletin article, which you can read here: https://dailybulletin.rsna.org/db23/index.cfm?pg=23wed12
Additionally, Dr. Sun also had an exhibit about ChatGPT at RSNA23 collaborating with fellow UCI Radiology resident: Drs. Kenneth Huynh, Julia Tran, Robert Hill and Gillean Cortes and UCI Clinical Faculty members: Drs. Roozbeh Houshyar, Vahid Yaghmai, and Mark Tran.
Kaitlyn Kim was featured in an interview by AuntMinnie.com at RSNA 23. Ms. Kim is a current PhD student working with Dr. Liangzhong Xiang. In the interview, Ms. Kim spoke on behalf of her research work on remote ultrasound detection. Watch the interview here: https://www.auntminnie.com/print/content/15659202